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We're glad you found this section and want to learn more about the BTR Investment Club.

We have tried to make it as easy as possible to understand what this community is all about and have therefore created a whitepaper and an FAQ section that we want to share with you below.

Frequently asked questions

What is the purpose of the BTR Investment Club?

The purpose of the Investment Club is to allow members of the BTR Investment Club to vote on decisions in regard to the club.

How will the BTR Investment Club be governed?

It will be governed by the community of BTR investors, and the creators (including Jossif, the Lead Developer, Sparks Flames, and Brando) will not be allowed to vote due to conflicts of interest and possible manipulation. The community will have full control over the voting and decision-making process, thereby making the Investment Club fully decentralized.

What projects will the BTR Investment Club target for investment?

The investment will consist of projects such as Gala nodes, Thor nodes, etc. These blockchain projects bring a passive income to the community while supporting the blockchain of that particular company. Of course, it will depend on the decisions made by the BTR investors.

Will there be voting on projects?

Yes, there will be voting, as stated previously. All decisions are to be made by the BTR investors only.

How will we educate our BTR Investment Club community?

Education regarding the Investment Club will be done either via the BTR YouTube channel and posted on Patreon for the members involved or via the Telegram channel through meetings with Brando and Sparks Flames.

How often will voting on investment proposals occur?

Voting on investment proposals will occur on a regular basis, depending on the availability of new opportunities and the needs of the club. The frequency of voting will be communicated to the members through official channels.

Can members propose investments outside of the predetermined projects?

Yes, members can propose investments outside of the predetermined projects. All investment proposals will be reviewed and voted upon by the BTR investors to determine their viability and alignment with the club's goals.

How will the Investment Club handle potential risks and due diligence?

The BTR Investment Club takes risk management and due diligence seriously. Before any investment decision is made, thorough research and analysis will be conducted to evaluate the potential risks and rewards. The club aims to make informed investment choices to protect the interests of its members.

Are there any fees or costs associated with joining the BTR Investment Club?

There are no fees or costs associated with joining the BTR Investment Club itself. However, members are responsible for their own expenses related to participating in investment opportunities, such as transaction fees and costs associated with buying tokens or assets.

Will the BTR Investment Club provide investment advice or financial recommendations?

The BTR Investment Club is a platform for collective decision-making and does not provide personalized investment advice or financial recommendations. Members are encouraged to conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

Can members withdraw their investment from the club?

Once an investment has been made by the club, it is generally expected to be held for the agreed-upon duration. However, exceptional circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Members can reach out to the club administrators for further information and guidance regarding investment withdrawal.

How can I stay updated on the activities of the BTR Investment Club?

Regular updates, announcements, and discussions related to the BTR Investment Club will be shared through official channels, including the Discord group and other designated communication platforms. Members are encouraged to actively engage in the community to stay informed and participate in the decision-making process.

How will the BTR Investment Club investors communicate?

All communication will be made via the Discord group that was created for NFT Holders that opted-in to the investment club.

How does support work?

We're aware of the importance of well-qualified support, that is why we decided that support will be provided by the members and by the creators.

Feel free to use the Telegram group for all questions, or the contact form of this website.

Will there be regular meetings?

There will be regular meetings

How many people are committed to the BTR Investment Club at this Present time?

According to the SEC regulations, only 100 people may commit to an investment club.

What positions do our founding partners have in the development of the BTR Investment Club?

Jossif handles all the development such as the BTR Investment Club site, NFT creation, Smart Contracts, etc. Sparks Flames handles admin which includes collecting and distributing information to the members of the investment. Brando provides the vision and overlooks the full operation.

Bigger than Race Whitepaper


The crypto industry is undergoing rapid and profound changes, driven by technological innovation, shifting consumer behaviors, and evolving regulatory frameworks. As a result, the market is becoming more complex and competitive, and investors and entrepreneurs alike need to stay ahead of the curve to succeed.

At "Bigger Than Race", we believe that the crypto industry has the potential to create a more inclusive and equitable world, and we are committed to investing in and supporting the most promising projects and initiatives in this space. Our mission is to identify and invest in disruptive technologies and innovative projects that have the potential to transform the crypto industry and create long-term value for our investors and portfolio companies.

Our vision is to be a leading crypto venture capital firm that drives positive change and empowers underserved communities around the world. We believe that the crypto industry is "bigger than race" and that it has the power to transcend cultural and geographic boundaries to create a more connected and prosperous world.

Our investment focus areas include blockchain infrastructure, DeFi, NFTs, and Web3 technologies, which we believe have tremendous potential to drive positive change and empower underserved communities around the world. We prioritize investments that align with our core values of diversity, inclusion, and sustainability, and we work closely with our portfolio companies to support their growth and success.

In this white paper, we will provide an overview of our investment philosophy, approach, and criteria, as well as a detailed analysis of the crypto market and industry trends. We will also share case studies and success stories that showcase our ability to add value and support the growth of our portfolio companies.

Overall, we are excited about the future of the crypto industry and our role in shaping it. We welcome all investors and entrepreneurs who share our vision and values to join us on this exciting journey.

Investment Philosophy

At "Bigger Than Race", we differentiate ourselves from other crypto venture capital firms by focusing on the intersection of technology and social impact. Our investment philosophy is rooted in our belief that the crypto industry has the power to create a more equitable and sustainable world, and we seek to invest in projects and initiatives that align with this vision.

We prioritize investments that have a strong social impact, such as those that promote financial inclusion, support underserved communities, or advance environmental sustainability. We believe that these investments not only create long-term value for our investors and portfolio companies but also contribute to a more just and prosperous society.

Our investment decision-making process is rigorous and data-driven, and we conduct thorough due diligence and risk analysis to evaluate potential investments. We prioritize investments that have a clear and compelling value proposition, a strong management team, and a sustainable business model.

We also take into account the macroeconomic environment, regulatory landscape, and competitive dynamics of the market, as well as potential risks and challenges associated with each investment. Our risk management and mitigation strategies are designed to minimize downside risks while maximizing upside potential, and we work closely with our portfolio companies to ensure that they are well-positioned to succeed.

Overall, our investment philosophy is based on our core values of diversity, inclusion, and sustainability, and we believe that by investing in projects and initiatives that align with these values, we can create long-term value for our investors and contribute to a more just and prosperous world.

Management Team

At "Bigger Than Race", we have assembled a highly experienced and diverse management team with a range of skills and expertise in the crypto and blockchain space. Our team is committed to driving innovation and creating value for our investors and portfolio companies, and we work closely with our partners to support their growth and success.

Here are some key members of our team:

  • 1. Brando "The Crypto Wizard" Murphy is the Founder of "Bigger Than Race". He is a veteran of the crypto world. Brando started investigating cryptocurrency in 2016, which led to the famous 2017 bull market. His qualifications include Certification in Web3/Metaverse through EveryRealm, a venture fund and leader in Metaverse innovation and development, and Certified in Blockchain and Bitcoin through IBM. His primary vision and goal are to help people become financially free through Blockchain technology and to be able to invest and own the infrastructure of the new economy of the 4th Industrial Revolution. His passion is very noticeable.

  • 2. Shawn P. Campbell serves as the Managing Partner and Investment Director at "Bigger Than Race". He is responsible for sourcing and evaluating investment opportunities, conducting due diligence, negotiating deal terms, managing the firm's portfolio of investments, and supporting portfolio companies' growth and success.

  • 3. Sparks Flames serves as the Lead Community Manager at "Bigger Than Race" with 3 years of experience. She is responsible for managing the firm's Discord community and ensuring her team of moderators is engaging with investors and entrepreneurs.

Our additional team members include experts in technical advisory, marketing, operations, and legal counsel. Each of these professionals brings unique skills, experience, and expertise to our firm, ensuring that we can identify and invest in the most promising crypto projects and initiatives, and create long-term value for our stakeholders.

We believe that the collective knowledge and insight of our management team will enable us to drive innovation and create value for our investors and portfolio companies. Our team is dedicated to supporting the growth and success of our partners, and we are proud to have such a talented and experienced group of individuals working together to advance the mission of "Bigger Than Race".

Investment Process

At "Bigger Than Race", our investment process is designed to identify and invest in the most promising crypto projects and startups while minimizing risk and maximizing returns for our investors. Our investment process consists of three key stages: deal sourcing and pipeline management, due diligence and evaluation, investment terms and structure, and post-investment services.

Deal sourcing and pipeline management:

We have a wide network of industry contacts, partners, and advisors that enable us to source a steady stream of high-quality deal flow. Our team actively monitors the crypto and blockchain market and attends industry events and conferences to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and opportunities. We also leverage our Discord community to engage with entrepreneurs and startups and identify potential investment opportunities.

Once a deal is identified, we conduct an initial screening to assess its fit with our investment philosophy, focus areas, and criteria. We prioritize deals that have a clear and compelling value proposition, a strong management team, and a sustainable business model. We also take into account the market size, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment of each deal. Due diligence and evaluation process:

If a deal passes our initial screening, we conduct a comprehensive due diligence and evaluation process. Our team conducts a thorough analysis of the technology, team, market, and regulatory landscape of each deal to assess its potential for success. We also engage with industry experts and advisors to gain additional insights and feedback.

Investment terms and structure:

Once a deal has passed our due diligence and evaluation process, we work closely with the entrepreneur or startup to structure the investment terms that align with our investment philosophy and goals. We offer a range of investment structures, including equity, tokens, and hybrid structures, and work with the entrepreneur or startup to determine the most appropriate option.

Post-investment services:

At "Bigger Than Race", we believe that our investment process does not end with the investment decision. We provide ongoing support to our portfolio companies by tracking their progress before, during, and after the investment. We work closely with the management team to ensure that they have the resources and expertise they need to achieve their goals and overcome any challenges that may arise.

Our post-investment services include regular performance monitoring, strategic planning and advice, introductions to potential partners and customers, and assistance with fundraising and exit strategies. We also provide our portfolio companies with access to our extensive network of industry contacts, advisors, and partners.

Overall, our investment process and post-investment services are designed to create long-term value for our investors and portfolio companies. We are committed to providing high-quality support and services to our portfolio companies and helping them achieve their goals in a rapidly evolving market.

"Portfolio and Performance" section:

At "Bigger Than Race", we have assembled a diverse portfolio of crypto projects and startups that are at the forefront of innovation in the blockchain and crypto space. Our portfolio consists of companies that operate in various sectors, including AI, Metaverse, Web 3, P2E Gaming, Social, and Node projects.

As visionaries, we firmly believe that staying ahead of trends and accurately assessing them is crucial for realizing substantial financial growth. By embracing the notion that the trend is your friend, we position ourselves to capitalize on emerging opportunities in the market.

  • 1. Artificial Intelligence: We believe that AI has the potential to significantly disrupt various industries and sectors, creating long-term value for users and investors.

  • 2. Metaverse: We are excited about the potential of Metaverse projects to revolutionize how people interact, work, and socialize, driving innovation in the blockchain and crypto space.

  • 3. Web 3.0: We invest in companies that are building the decentralized internet infrastructure of the future, empowering users and fostering innovation in the blockchain and crypto industry.

  • 4. Play-to-Earn Gaming: We recognize the growing importance of play-to-earn gaming in the crypto space and look for companies with strong management teams and clear value propositions that align with our investment philosophy and focus areas.

  • 5. Decentralized Social Platforms: We understand the significance of decentralized social platforms in shaping the future of online interaction and invest in innovative companies that are redefining the way we connect and engage with others.

  • 6. Node Projects: We acknowledge the importance of node projects in the blockchain ecosystem and invest in companies that bring innovation, new opportunities for growth, and value creation.

  • 7. Interoperability: We concentrate on projects that enable seamless communication and interaction between various blockchain networks, fostering collaboration and innovation across the ecosystem.

  • 8. Data Privacy and Security: We prioritize investments in companies that focus on enhancing data privacy and security, ensuring the protection of user data and fostering trust in the blockchain and crypto space.

  • 9. Green and Sustainable Blockchain Solutions: We invest in projects that are committed to developing environmentally friendly and sustainable blockchain solutions, reducing the industry's carbon footprint and promoting responsible growth.

  • 10. Tokenization and Asset Fractionalization: We identify opportunities in projects that facilitate tokenization and asset fractionalization, enabling increased accessibility, liquidity, and democratization of investment opportunities in various sectors.

"Metrics and Performance indicators" section:

We track a range of performance metrics and indicators to evaluate the success of our portfolio companies and our investment strategy. These include:

  • 1. Return on Investment (ROI): We aim to generate strong returns for our investors through a combination of capital appreciation and income generation.

  • 2. Mass user adoption: We look for companies that have a clear value proposition and a growing user base, as this is a key indicator of long-term success.

  • 3. Technology innovation: We focus on companies that are pushing the boundaries of blockchain, AI, and crypto technology and creating new opportunities for growth and value creation.

  • 4. Use Cases: We evaluate the practical applications and real-world value a project can bring, assessing how the project's technology, products, or services can address specific problems or needs and create tangible benefits for its users, customers, or stakeholders.

Additional factors we consider when evaluating a project:

  • 1. Problem Solving: We prioritize projects that address a genuine problem or market need that is not currently being met or could be addressed more effectively with the proposed solution.

  • 2. Market Potential: We analyze the potential market size and target audience for the project's solution, taking into account industry trends, demographics, and the competitive landscape.

  • 3. Monetization: We examine the project's potential revenue streams and business model, ensuring they are sustainable and aligned with the project's goals and objectives.

  • 4. Regulatory and Legal Aspects: We investigate any regulatory or legal challenges that the project may face in implementing its solution and assess the project's plans for addressing these issues.

  • 5. Team and Partnerships: We evaluate the experience, expertise, and track record of the project's management team, as well as any strategic partnerships that can contribute to the project's growth and success.

  • 6. Roadmap and Development Progress: We review the project's development roadmap and assess the progress made in achieving its milestones and goals, considering factors such as product releases, updates, and community engagement.

Overall, our portfolio and performance reflect our commitment to identifying and investing in the most promising crypto startups and supporting their growth and success over the long term. As we continue to grow our portfolio, we will share case studies and success stories to showcase our expertise and the value that we bring to our portfolio companies and investors.

Value Proposition for Crypto Startups and Entrepreneurs

At "Bigger Than Race", we are committed to providing value to our portfolio companies beyond just financial investment. We work closely with our portfolio companies to provide strategic guidance, access to our extensive network of industry contacts and partners, and a range of support and resources to help them achieve their goals.

Support and resources offered to portfolio companies:

We provide our portfolio companies with a range of support and resources, including:

  • 1. Strategic planning and advice: We work closely with the management team to develop and refine their business strategy, identify new opportunities for growth, and address any challenges that may arise.

  • 2. Networking and introductions: We leverage our extensive network of industry contacts and partners to connect our portfolio companies with potential partners, customers, and investors.

  • 3. Fundraising assistance: We help our portfolio companies prepare for and execute successful fundraising rounds, leveraging our experience and expertise in the crypto and blockchain space.

  • 4. Video services: We offer video services to our portfolio companies to promote their token/project to potential investors and customers. Our team of experts helps to create high-quality videos that showcase the key features and benefits of the token/project.

Industry partnerships and affiliations:

At "Bigger Than Race", we have established partnerships and affiliations with leading blockchain protocols, incubators, and academic institutions. These partnerships and affiliations enable us to stay at the forefront of innovation in the crypto and blockchain space and provide our portfolio companies with access to the latest technologies, research, and resources.

Exit strategies and plans for liquidity:

We understand that liquidity is a key consideration for many crypto startups and entrepreneurs, and we work closely with our portfolio companies to develop and execute successful exit strategies. We offer a range of exit options, including mergers and acquisitions, IPOs, and secondary market sales, and work with our portfolio companies to determine the most appropriate option.

Overall, our value proposition for crypto startups and entrepreneurs is centered around providing high-quality support and resources, leveraging our industry partnerships and affiliations, and helping our portfolio companies achieve their goals in a rapidly evolving market. We are committed to creating long-term value for our investors and portfolio companies and contributing to the growth and success of the broader crypto and blockchain ecosystem.

BTR (Bigger Than Race) Army NFT Pass

Bigger Than Race is proud to introduce our new BTR Army NFT Pass, an exclusive 2-tier NFT system designed to provide investors with unique benefits and a way to invest that produces riches. Each tier represents a different level of expertise and experience, and offers a range of exclusive benefits. There will only ever be a maximum of 650 NFTs split across the 2 tiers, with a price point to suit all budgets.

Tier 1 - General: This NFT represents the highest level of leadership in the investment world, where investors are respected for their wisdom, experience, and strategic vision. The General NFT could feature a senior officer wearing a full dress uniform, symbolizing the investor's distinguished career and achievements in the financial industry. With Priority Access to tier one seed and Private Sales, this NFT offers access to the ground level for the most promising crypto and NFT projects long before they launch to the public. High personal allocations for every sale, up to $5,000 for each seed/Private sale, allowing significant investment to maximize the ROI, and guaranteed allocations. Tier 1 NFTs will increase in price by $200 for every 20 sold. Limited circulation with only 150 NFTs available. Starting at $1,800 per NFT. As part of the referral program, Tier 1 offers a $100 referral fee for each General NFT sold.

Tier 2 - Special Forces: This NFT represents the elite special forces of the investment world, where investors are trained in the most advanced techniques and strategies for success. The Special Forces NFT could feature a Soldier wearing the insignia of a top-secret special operations unit, symbolizing the investor's exceptional skill and expertise. With NFT Utility, this tier offers top-tier projects strictly vetted by the Cryptopia VC before being offered first come first served personal allocations up to $750 per holder in every sale, and strictly limited circulation with only 500 NFTs available. $575 per NFT. As part of the referral program, Tier 2 offers a $40 referral fee for each Special Forces NFT sold.

Bigger Than Race is excited to offer this new NFT system that not only represents a way to invest that produces riches but also supports the growth of decentralized finance. With every purchase of a BTR Army NFT Pass, a % of the sales will go towards the BTR Investment Club, exclusively for the first 100 combination of Tier 1 and Tier 2 NFT holders. The Investment Club will grant members voting rights and fund innovative DeFi projects and initiatives that align with BTR's mission of promoting financial freedom for all. By investing in Bigger Than Race's BTR Army NFT Pass, you'll not only gain access to unique investment opportunities and exclusive perks, but you'll also be contributing to the growth of decentralized finance and supporting the development of the next generation. So join us today in supporting this exciting initiative and making a difference in the world of finance.

Regulatory Environment and Compliance:

'Bigger Than Race', we recognize the importance of complying with regulatory requirements and ensuring the safety and security of our investors and portfolio companies. We closely monitor regulatory developments in the crypto and blockchain space and strive to maintain the highest standards of compliance and transparency.

Firm's position on regulatory issues:

We believe that a clear regulatory framework is necessary for the long-term growth and stability of the crypto and blockchain ecosystem. We support efforts to establish clear guidelines and standards for the industry, while also recognizing the need for innovation and flexibility.

Compliance measures and policies:

To ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, we have implemented a range of measures and policies, including:

  • 1. Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures: We require all investors and portfolio companies to undergo a KYC process to verify their identity and comply with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.

  • 2. Anti-money laundering (AML) policies: We have implemented strict policies to prevent money laundering and other illegal activities, including monitoring for suspicious transactions and conducting regular audits.

  • 3. Regulatory compliance training: Our team members receive regular training on regulatory compliance issues and best practices, ensuring that we stay up-to-date with the latest developments and requirements.

KYC Requirements:

As part of our compliance measures, we require all investors and portfolio companies to undergo a KYC process. This process involves providing us with certain personal and financial information, such as a government-issued ID and proof of address. We take the privacy and security of this information seriously and follow strict procedures to protect it.

Overall, our commitment to regulatory compliance and transparency is a core part of our values and investment philosophy. We believe that by maintaining the highest standards of compliance, we can create a safer and more sustainable crypto and blockchain ecosystem for everyone.

Conclusion and Outlook:

At "Bigger Than Race", we are committed to building a better future through strategic investments in innovative crypto and blockchain projects. Our investment philosophy is centered around providing value beyond just financial capital, leveraging our industry expertise, extensive network, and range of support and resources to help our portfolio companies succeed.

Looking forward, we see tremendous opportunities in the crypto and blockchain space. We believe that these technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we transact, store value, and organize society, and we are excited to be at the forefront of this transformation.

As we continue to grow and expand, we remain focused on maintaining our commitment to regulatory compliance, transparency, and long-term value creation. We are committed to building strong partnerships and relationships with our portfolio companies and investors, and to contributing to the growth and success of the broader crypto and blockchain ecosystem.

Call to Action:

If you are a crypto startup or entrepreneur looking for a strategic partner and investor, we invite you to reach out and learn more about how "Bigger Than Race" can help you achieve your goals. And if you are an investor looking for an experienced and innovative partner in the crypto and blockchain space, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Together, we can build a better future that is bigger than race.


Glossary of key terms and concepts:

  • 1. Blockchain: A distributed digital ledger that enables secure and transparent record-keeping of transactions.

  • 2. Cryptocurrency: A digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security and operates independently of a central bank.

  • 3. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Financial applications built on blockchain technology that enable trustless and permissionless access to financial services.

  • 4. Initial Coin Offering (ICO): A fundraising method for crypto startups in which investors receive tokens in exchange for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

  • 5. Token Generation Event (TGE): The process of creating and distributing tokens for a blockchain project, often used interchangeably with ICO.

  • 6. Tokenomics: The economic and incentive structure of a token or cryptocurrency, including its supply, distribution, and use cases.

  • 7. Investment thesis: The overarching philosophy or approach to investing in the crypto and blockchain space.

  • 8. Due diligence: The process of conducting thorough research and analysis of a potential investment opportunity to assess its viability and potential risks.

  • 9. Exit strategy: A plan for how investors will exit or sell their stake in a portfolio company, potentially through an acquisition, IPO, or other means.

  • 10. Smart contract: A self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code.

  • 11. White paper: A detailed document that outlines a project or company's vision, goals, and strategies, often used in the crypto and blockchain space to communicate technical information and potential value to investors.

  • 12. Cliff: A period of time after which investors become eligible for equity or tokens in a portfolio company.

  • 13. Vesting terms: The conditions under which equity or tokens awarded to investors become fully owned or transferable. This can include time-based vesting schedules or performance-based milestones.

  • 14. Know Your Customer (KYC): Procedures used to verify the identity of investors and comply with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.

  • 15. Anti-money laundering (AML): Measures taken to prevent money laundering and other illegal activities in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

  • 16. Regulatory compliance: The process of ensuring that a crypto venture capital firm and its portfolio companies comply with applicable laws and regulations.

  • 17. Liquidity: The ability to convert an asset into cash or a tradable asset quickly and with minimal impact on its price.

Additional resources and references:

  • 1. CoinDesk: A leading news and analysis website covering the latest developments and trends in the crypto and blockchain space, including research and analysis on market trends, regulatory issues, and emerging technologies.

  • 2. CryptoSlate: A comprehensive resource for news, analysis, and research on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, offering insights into industry trends, market performance, and the latest innovations in the space.

  • 3. Messari: A data-driven research and analytics platform focused on the crypto market, providing in-depth analysis of market trends, company performance, and regulatory developments.

  • 4. The Block: A media and research company focused on the crypto and blockchain space, offering news, analysis, and data-driven insights on market trends, project performance, and regulatory issues.

  • 5. CoinMarketCap: A leading cryptocurrency market data provider, offering real-time prices, charts, and market capitalization data for thousands of cryptocurrencies and tokens.

  • 6. Cointelegraph: A news and analysis website covering the latest developments and trends in the crypto and blockchain space, offering insights into industry trends, market performance, and the latest innovations in the space.

  • 7. Decrypt: A news and analysis website focused on the crypto and blockchain space, offering insights into the latest trends, projects, and regulatory developments in the industry.

  • 8. The Defiant: A news and analysis platform covering decentralized finance (DeFi) and the broader blockchain ecosystem, providing insights into market trends, project performance, and regulatory issues.

  • 9. TokenInsight: A research and analytics firm focused on the crypto market, offering data-driven insights into industry trends, project performance, and market opportunities.

  • 10. Blockchain Research Institute: A think-tank focused on the implications of blockchain technology across various industries, offering research and insights into emerging trends, use cases, and regulatory issues.

Legal and regulatory disclosures:

Investing in crypto and blockchain projects involves a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Potential investors should carefully consider their financial situation and investment objectives before making any investment decisions.

The information presented in this white paper is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities. Any investment in Bigger Than Race or its portfolio companies is subject to applicable securities laws and regulations.

Bigger Than Race is committed to maintaining compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements. All investors and portfolio companies will be subject to KYC and AML procedures in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

We take the protection of our investors' and portfolio companies' personal and financial information seriously and have implemented strict data protection and security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of this information.









Terms & Conditions